Family IB Resources
IB Approaches to Teaching and Learning (ATL)
The following documents were referenced in our April 20, 2022 meeting about the IB Approaches to Teaching and Learning information session and workshop. Our presenter was Cheryl Gillette-Lunsford (, IB Approaches to Teaching and Learning Coordinator and IB English teacher, with support from Demer Shirley (, IB Chemistry teacher.
Classes 2025 and 2026 IB Presentation
The following presentation was delivered by Cheryl Gillette-Lunsford (, IB Approaches to Teaching and Learning Coordinator and IB English teacher, and Nirit Cohen Vardi (, IB Coordinator and College Advisor, at our Parent Connect meeting on January 6, 2022.
AP Tests, IB Assessments, and how to Register for Them
The following presentation was delivered by Nirit Cohen Vardi (, IB Coordinator and College Advisor, at our joint PTSA / Parent Connect meeting on October 13, 2021.
2019-2021 Parent Meetings
The Future of SAT & ACT
The following presentation was delivered by Nirit Cohen Vardi (, IB Coordinator, at our parent meeting on March 10, 2021.
IB Approaches to Teaching and Learning (ATL)
The following documents were referenced in our February 9, 2021 meeting about the IB Approaches to Teaching and Learning information session and workshop. Our presenter was Cheryl Gillette Lunsford (, IB Approaches to Teaching and Learning Coordinator and IB English teacher, with support from Jaime Brown (, IB English teacher.
SDHS Academic Honesty Policy
The following presentation was referenced in our November 18, 2020 presentation by Cheryl Gillette-Lunsford ( on San Diego High’s campus-wide Academic Honesty Policy.
IB Programme Overview and IB Assessments
The following documents were referenced in our October 28, 2020 meeting about the IB Programme. Our presenter was Nirit Cohen-Vardi (, IB Coordinator, with support from Cheryl Gillette-Lunsford (, IB Approaches to Teaching and Learning Coordinator.
Additional information can be found on the SDHS International Studies International Baccalaureate page
or the IBO website.
IB vs. AP Pathways
The following presentation was referenced in our November 18, 2020 presentation by Cheryl Gillette-Lunsford ( on San Diego High’s campus-wide Academic Honesty Policy.
College Research Information
The following document has links to sites that can help you with everything including choosing the right career, financial aid, choosing the right college or university, finding scholarships, and more.
Workshop to Prepare for College or Career
The following is a presentation given to SDHS students to help them plan their future, whether it is college or trade school. All links listed in this pdf are available in the College Research file above.
SAT vs. ACT: Choosing the Right Test for College Admissions
The following presentation was given by Chris Brechel on January 16, 2019 discusses both the SAT and the ACT tests, what they entail and how to choose which one might be right for your child. If you would like to get in touch with Chris to discuss his tutoring or have questions. Please email us at and we will have him contact you.